TGIF because I have a lot of random things to say. I was looking at the photos I have taken in the past week or so on my phone and it was a treasure trove of randomness. See for yourself...
*Dairy Queen in Yarmouth this week. Hats off to the clever employee who came up with this sign. It sure turned a lot of heads!!
*One of my teacher colleagues is having a baby in August (but I think July). Another teacher made her this diaper cake and inside it was even more treasures!! I know what she can do in her retirement!!
*I guess there is an unwritten rule in my house about cutting brownies; you start at the side. Evidently, with boys, it is every man for himself and if you want the best brownie, you go right for it.
*Thanks to an article in Real Simple this month:
*2 towns are building a new High School and combining districts. All the students and staff got to sign the top beam of the building last week!
*I started seeing a lot of bubble wrap around the classroom in the past month. I couldn't figure out why until I saw this....
One of the girls would bring her banana to school wrapped in bubble wrap so it wouldn't get bruised in her backpack.
*School ended Tuesday and summer school begins on Monday. I am looking forward to seeing the look on one particular student's face when I wear this t-shirt. I have been drawing "the turtles" for him for a few months now at school. They are his latest love.
*The tradition at our elementary school is for all the teachers to come out of the building on the last day and wave to the kids as they leave on the buses. The buses even do an extra lap with horn honking and fan fair. This was my first year participating and I think I heard a collective, "phew" from the teachers when the last bus was out of sight.
*Have a great weekend!!