We finally went skiing for the first time this year on Friday and Saturday. Friday we went with my family to Wachussett, a mountain in MA. We had lots of fun and then the girls and I drove to Newport, VT to meet up with 2 friends and 3 kids to ski at Jay Peak. Yesterday, we drove 325 miles home. Here is my ode to Jay Peak.
The day dawned bright and sunny,

Down the slopes, they shussed

A wedding appeared, as I was sunning on the deck,

Weddings follow us, wherever we go,
Who knew we would see one in Vermont on the snow?
Our VT journey continues in tomorrow's muse,
It includes Canada, a party and stunning views.
Free AND cost you no money? LOL
Very fun. I am terrified to ski. And ice skate (I used to do it alot). And roller blade. And other activities that could potentially lay me up for weeks if I injure myself. I'm a sissy.
Looks like fun! Those girls in the wedding party look a little cold, though!
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