My top 10 things of Blogher09 (in no particular order)
1. Learning how to eat a kiwi with a "spife".

This was one of the best pieces of swag I could have brought home. My family was amazed by the ingenuity. Yeah, I know, it doesn't take much to impress us.
2. Chicago Pizza
Deep dish pizza with "ingredients", not "toppings".

3. A store that sells cookie dough. Yeah, that's right: raw cookie dough (with no eggs!) Hmm, I am seeing a food theme here....

4. A party where it was ok to wear a bag on your head. I was impressed with some people's bag hat ingenuity.
Me and Colleen (wineplz)5. My fabulous roomie/friend who opened up her house to a bunch of us. She is even more delightful in person than on her blog (if you can believe that!).
Melisa (with ONE s)6. The "seaman" party in room L. It was a late night blockbuster!

7. Gary. He called my his "fag hag" and it was instantaneous bffs from then on. Can't wait to take him up to Ptown some day!

8. Swag. Unbelievable amounts of swag. OK, so much swag that I mailed home my dirty laundry via the Postal service and filled my suitcase with the free gifts I brought home to share with my family. Who knew all I really had to bring them home were spifes?!

9. The fabulous bloggers that I got to meet in real life! It was such a relief to my family that they were not inter. predat. and so great to see that they were as honest, funny and beautiful as they come across on their blogs.
Colleen and me
Michelle, WeaselBarb, Melisa
WeaselBarb, me, Michelle
Me with Vodka Mom
Heather, Liz, Melisa
Dawn, Me, Manic Mommy
Melisa, Me and WeaselBarb in front of the WienerMobile!
Mrs. 4444 and Tara10. The fantastic city of Chicago! We snuck out one morning to see Millenium Park where they had big picture walls that squirted water, the magic bean, and yoga in the park. And Navy Pier looked so cool from the 32nd floor of the Sheraton.

Next year, I hope to find myself at Blogher10 in NYC. It is the first weekend in August if anyone is interested!
Glad you had so much fun!
Wheee! Wish we were still at the Sheraton. Well, sort of. That was exhausting!
I am so happy that we got to meet, chat and hang out together.
You are just as real and wonderful as I KNEW you would be. Next year we are sightseeing TOGETHER!!
Those pics of Chi-town are awesome. Now I KNOW I live in the sticks. Sigh.
It looks like you had a great time with wonderful people! You've made me appreciate my city just a little more.
Meeting you was wonderful! Thank you for being so kind & listening & enjoying the city with One S and I. I had so much fun with you, and I can't wait to know you better!
It was SO GREAT to meet you and I totally stole that pic of Heather, me and Melisa (with one S) but, am telling you now, so it's more like borrowing, right?
Your photos are GREAT, Sue! I really love the candids best. Miss you already... See you next year??
awesome recap! SOOOO happy I got to meet you, you're awesome! And I am craving that pizza like you don't even know. Oh wait. Icanjust go down the street to get me some!
I was so glad to meet you! I had a great time hanging out.
Thanks for the recap! Sounds like you had fun!
Glad you had some Giordano's pizza, it's so yummy:P
I can't believe we didn't meet, I was at the cheeseburger party!
I hope to find myself there! It was great to meet you!
Great recap - love the photos. I'm so glad you had a great time!
I'm so glad we got to meet in person! You are a ton of fun! And I'm thrilled you got to have some real deep-dish pizza--I miss that stuff!
emm... interesting thread )
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