You thought I would forget today was Friday, didn't you? How could I miss a Friday, it is my mom's favorite post of the week. Go on over to Mrs. 4444s and see all the other people who shed random thoughts on Fridays!
*Christmas is 2 weeks from today. Holy Sh*$, Batman!
*My house has thrown up Christmas all over it. I actually have 3 trees. That's right. I admit it. 3 trees. 1 real, 2 fake. And enough ornaments to cover them all. I'll post some pictures next week.
*Happy Hanukah to my Jewish friends and Happy Birthday to my Weasel friend!
*Winter greeted us without warning today. Hello 27 degrees with a wind chill in the ones. Yeah, crap it was cold and I had to sell hamburgers OUTSIDE tonight because it was the town's Christmas stroll. Is that legal, holding a Christmas stroll on the first night of Hanukah?
*My thoughts on that certain golf pro that has been in the news lately have been far and wide. When it first happened, I said to my mom that they are going to spin it that he is a sex addict and needs to go into recovery. Remember David Duchovny did that and then all was right in his little world? Well, wouldn't you know, I should win some sort of award (preferably money) because all I have heard all week is about how he is a sex addict. Whatever you call it, Elin should take the kids, a good chunk of change and those clubs and run.
*OK, really I should be concentrating on getting all my Christmas cards out instead of blogging. I think they came out pretty good year. I'll let you see them closer to Christmas.
Happy Weekend!!!!!
You had to work outside in that cold? oh heck no!!! I'd die!!!
I cant believe its 2 weeks to Christmas too!!!
I said sex addict too! And I gotta tell you? Based on the skanks parading through the news? He really may be.
Oh, and David Duchovny? I hate to admit it but that idea made him just a little bit hotter in my (sick, twisted) mind.
Hitting publish before I delete that last paragraph.
Yikes. You're such a trooper; good job on the burger selling.
Tiger...If only every man who cheated found himself under such scrutiny; there might be less infidelity in the world, haha.
Christmas cards...hm...maybe. Better send me your address...
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I wanna see your trees! You can't tell us that you have 3 and then show us NONE! And I love your new profile picture! Heeheeheeeeee
Justine :o )
It is cold, isn't it? Brr.
I am surprised to see very few negative remarks about the women that Tiger slept with. Hey, they knew he was married - they were cheating too.
Brrrrr! Didn't the burgers freeze?
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