This is Mrs. 4444s 99th Friday Fragment post in a row! If only I could acclaim to that glory. Go check her out and the other fragmenters, but first read mine!
Yes, they are excited to go. We are spending one night in Houston first. We are going to the Space Museum and Kemah boardwalk. Any other hot spot we should check out?
*The jump rope team ended their year off with a splash....
If you click on that you can see a water balloon popping on their heads. 10 kids on the team are heading to Galveston, Texas this week for the Nationals. Including B and her cousin, J....

*The flowers are blooming like crazy all around town. I kept pulling over and snapping pictures the other day, while B was cringing in the front seat....
My mom tells me these are called Thistle flowers, but I call them pompoms.
*K had her singing debut in church last week. Yeah, she was awesome!
*Please forgive me for the lack of commenting, reading etc... I promise I will get time to bond with my computer and you all when I get back from Texas!
*Birds start chirping at 4:21 AM. Just sayin'.
Happy Weekend! :)
Have a safe and fun trip to Galveston. Good luck at the competition!
Have a wonderful trip!! FYI: the midwest birds are later sleepers.
Yep, birds start around here at that time too. Same time my little angel wakes up most mornings for breakfast!
Congrats to B for the jump rope win! Have a great trip!
Don't we Moms know how to embarrass our kids? Hehehehe! It builds character!
I always love visiting your blog because of that water. I am a Pisces so I guess that makes sense some how. And now you have posted my second favorite things; the flower pic's are glorious!
Have a safe trip..I am headed to the beach tomorrow...
So much excitement! Loved all of your shots this week. Hope you're having fun :)
When we were in Houston we ate at a place called Little Mexico- I believe there are several around.
I'm not big into Mexican, but I had a chicken dish that was HUGE, delicious and very reasonably priced- under $10.00. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!
Visiting late from friday Fragments- have a great week!
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