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Hi! It's me, B, writing a guest post for Sundays in My City. So yesterday I went on a whale watch on my Dad's boat with K and cousin J. Very cool. So I took the pics and I hope you like them!!

This is the shot I got a lot. Very cool! Oh and by the way this was our (K, J and I) first time seeing whales this close.

Cool shot with the tail and fin together.

Cool ridges. I wonder where that is on the whale?!

4 in a row!! Isn't that cool?

He's waving to you guys! Helloooooooo!!!

Look at that tail. That's amazing!

You can totally see the spout of water coming out there!

And I decided to throw in some seals too :) They are pretty cool, too, but not all that exciting to Cape Codders. Well if you were wondering (I forgot to throw it in) I'm pretty sure they were Humpback Whales. I hope you liked those pictures of the whales. Happy Sunday! :) =D
Nice job, B!!
I would love to see those seals. I get it how it's not exciting to you because you see them all the time. It's sorta like how going to Target is not a big deal to me, but your mom would nearly explode with excitement if she could visit one...
(hee hee)
Happy Sunday!
Nice work B!!! And awesome pictures! Glad you guys had a good time and got to see the very cool whales (and stinky seals:)
Love you! KK
Yea! BAL! Nice job and what a fun thing to do. We need to get Daddy to take all of us now. I see a Blog for you in the future! Get Mom to let you guest again and maybe K will do one too. Love, Nana
Sweet pics B! Looked like it was a great time. Hope your school year goes well and I will see you in a few weeks when the baby is born! <3
Wonderful captures on the whales... spectacular shots! Nice job B!
What fantastic captures. Some great shots there.
good whaling - well picture taking of whaling. I truly don't understand why whaling (the hunting type) still goes on at all. Is there anything we need from slaughtered whales?
I stop over from Unknown Mami. I should do another SIMC.
Amazing! I've never seen whales up close. I think it would be a wonderful experience.
Awesome job, B! We've been to Cape Cod about a dozen times, but I have yet to see a whale. So, thanks!!! P.S. Say hi to your mom for me ;)
I love the shots of the tail and the flipper, nicely captured. Going whale watching is definitely on my to do list...one of these days!
Beautiful pictures! Nice job B! The tail pic is definitely my favorite. Seals are definitely not the norm here by me so I'd be mesmerized!
That is incredible. It's certainly nothing I can see here on the Mississippi!
Welcome to the blog world, B! Well done, well done. Now go tell your Uncle Tom I said he's a punk.
Those are gorgeous! What a fun trip, and I'm glad you had such a great time. Those are lovely photos :)
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