*Forgive me Mrs. 4444s because it has been awhile since my last frag....
*I do not like resolutions, but I feel my blog may need one. I am beginning my 5th year of blogging and have resolved not to do Project 365, instead I am going to do Project 180. I will try my very best to blog 180 times this year. Keep me on top of this, OK?
*It is great having P here. She has been learning lots of English. She really learned lots of um... slang words during the 1st quarter of the Patriots game last week.
*B has been very sick this week. We have spent a lot of time on the couch together watching fascinating TV such as Say Yes to the Dress and What Not to Wear. I am completely ready for her wedding and I will dress the part.
*I have also had the opportunity to read 2 books, Betty White's new one (that women is a LEGEND!) and Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea. Damn that girl is funny! Completely inappropriate, but so damn funny! I was laughing out loud!
*A few days after Christmas, my brother took it upon himself to build rockets with the girls and set them off. Yeah, he and his wife are having a baby in June. Wait until they see the presents that kid will get.
It doesn't say 'no rockets', right?
Finally the 3rd time, I got a good shot of it going off!
My niece didn't really want anything to do with the rockets, but she did love the wide open field.
*Got to go watch the last episode of Wizards of Waverly Place. I have one practically in tears over this last episode.
*Happy Weekend :)
Nice to have you back, my dear! We did have a good Christmas with the rockets and the girls loved it, well, maybe except for R as she tried hard to get away. Would love to hear what P said about the holidays. I'm sure her head was spinning. B is better today but you are right she has been a sick cookie this week. Can't wait to read about Betty. Thanks for writing. nana
My kids went through a rocket firing phase - - - and I had a cousin who LOVED them and came and helped with the firing. Gotta LOVE having relatives who will do those things for you!!!
Welcome back! Would you also like to do Project 52 (a weekly photo meme on FB)?
Gotta love cool uncles...
I hope poor B is feeling better soon.
I have been reading a very entertaining book about punctuation (yes, seriously), called Eats Shoots and Leaves. If you love punctuation, you will love this book.
Glad you linked up! Have a great weekend...
That sign made me laugh. All I could imagine is a foursome of dogs golfing.
Good luck with your 180 project. I'm actually attempting my first 365 project. Or since it's a leap year, 366.
I've got some gift ideas for your brother's kid if you need them. haha
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