Yup, the ole' guy weighed in at 22lbs. The fish market is going to use it in the lobster tank for the tourists to go oooh and ahhhh while they wait for their measly 1 1/2 lb lobsters.
School's out! K had a show at school today, picked up both kids, took them to friend's pool, dragged one away from pool to go to acting camp (just for this week), picked up extra kid and K from pool, came home, need to pick up actress, go to end of school beach party, send actress on sleepover, amuse K and her friend, say hi/bye to DH on his way in and out to fish and fall into bed (oh right , I mean twin mattress on the floor, bed comes later this week!). Hopefully I can squeeze dinner and a bottle, I mean glass, of wine into the mix!
wow that's HUGE!!!
That is ONE. BIG. LOBSTER!!!
I feel kind of sorry for that big lobster. Then again, maybe now that he's been discovered and gotten his big break, he's perfectly happy.
The old guy is pretty old. Sometimes fish markets do a raffle where you guess the weight or think of a name and if you win, you get to throw it back in the ocean.
Whoa! That is crazy big! Is he going to get a makeover first before going to work? LOL J/K.
Ginormous!!! Too bad I don't like lobster..
I had no idea that lobsters GREW that big - wow!
Oh my gauwd!
That laubstah is wicked huge!!
Okay, I just HAD to say it that way because although I live far, far away from the cape now, somehow you never lose the ability to blurt out something like that!
I LOVE Maine lobster and when living in Florida, you actually have to say it that way...
"Maine Lobster"
because if you just say "Lobster", you will most likely be served Rock Lobster, which have no flavor AT ALL!!
Love the Pics!
That lawbstah is wicked huge Jackie! And Critin, I don't like lobster either. I try evey year, but yuck. When we have company, we serve them lobster and us, steak!
Some fun stats when I compared your big mutha lobstah to things in my life:
1. he weighs 2lbs more than my muscle-bound Boston Terrier and 6 lbs more than my little flabby Boston Terrier
2. he weighs a mere 10 lbs less than my 4-year old
3. he weighs the same as my 11-month old
O M G! Which fish market is it going to be at.
Wow! He's GINORMOUS! And now he's destined for the stage! Cool!
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