I pulled a "mom" move yesterday. I kept my kid's home from school because it was too hot. I know, you might say, "Toughen up". Hey, we are in the middle of a heat wave and kids were dropping like flies at school. I thought a hot day was better spent like this.....

Yes, even DH (ok, that stands for dear husband and sometimes damn husband for you newbies out there) was not fishing and able to spend a few quality hours with the fam. (B was there too, she was just right next to me.) Notice K holding the leash of the lamb, I mean Gretel. She has a penchants for jumping overboard to enjoy the water, no matter how far out we are. Crazy warm weather for New England in June. Maybe it will last the summer?
Just found your blog! I LOVE the Cape... we are from NE and vacationed many times there...
Your dog is a hoot!
PS - I occasionally have let my kids take 'mental health' days off of school.... Good for you!!
I love this weather.
great pics!
Letting the kids play hookey is truly a great mom moment!
Great idea!
Great day to be on the water.
My favorite place to be.
Good for you! I almost kept Darling Daughter home today too, it was Field Day at school. But with all this construction going on at home she would have just been in the way. And, they had water games at Field Day this year so she had fun, and kept cool.
Yes the lamb looks like s/he's having a great time!
Oh the pooch is just too cute!!!!
You guys must start school late, too, or else had several snow days to make up...
but looks like the day was better spent on the water than in the sweltering school building.
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