People have flooded to Cape Cod for their annual summer vacations. The beaches are crowded, the drinks are flowing and every few feet you see a cute sundress. I know why people come here. It is a beautiful place. There are beaches, golf courses, fine dining, seafood, ice-cream, fun shops and great places to stay. The people that live here year round do indeed enjoy those things too, but we are not on vacation. There is still laundry to be done, camps, carting kids to playdates, cleaning the house, making dinner, work, you get the picture. Every summer I like to leave for a few days here and there and visit my favorite state of Maine. More about that next week.
Anyway, I am in the vacation giving mood, so I thought my first GIVEAWAY was in order!
What do you have to do? Just leave a comment on this post by Sun. July 20 at 6 pm EST about your favorite place to vacation. It doesn't have to be a summer vacation place, it can be for anytime, anywhere.
What does the winner get? I will have 3 winners. The first name drawn will be the grand prize, the second name drawn the medium prize and the third name drawn a little prize(something from the Chatham Candy Manor). Let me assure you that they will be cool, not tacky things from Cape Cod that I like. Of course I have good taste. Yeah, you'll just have to trust me on that one.
OK, I am excited and I hope you are too! This gives me an excuse to go downtown and go shopping! B and K just informed me that they are going to help me pick out the prizes. Don't worry, I will steer them away from the squirt guns and tacky magnets.
Let's hear about your favorite vacation spots now!

Turks and Caicos islands. There is a certain resort there that has 3 separate swim up bars and the best beach front area I have ever seen. I have never been more relaxed!!
Everywhere I've ever been on vacation is my favorite at that time, but I have to say if someone handed me a load of cash and told me to go where ever I wanted to go, I'd be in Germany before they even finished talking to me. I love practicing the language; I love the culture; I love the food (and it IS possible for a person to not eat pork and find plenty to eat in Germany: I've done it!); I love everything about it! :)
Vacation... ah... just the word alone brings my blood pressure down. :-)
My favorite "vacation" was Maui.
However my most frequent and almost enjoyable, is my parents, easily accessible, always welcome... and heck... doesn't cost more than the food we bring!
My favorite vacation was Cancun, Mexico.
The water is the bluest ever.
The food was amazing.
The resort was to die for.
I was so pampered that I wasn't sure I could ever come home.
I would go back tomorrow!
Cape Cod! Where else? Actually, Anguilla comes a close second. :)
Well there's no argument for me. It's Cape Cod!
I've swam in the warm waters of Hawaii and Mexico, but for me, nothing beats the Cape. I love the warm breezes, the smell of the sea. Every year I walk the beaches and collect pretty stones, mostly quartz. I have several jars of them sitting around here and they make me think of the Cape whenever I look at them.
I love the windmills, the old houses and churches, all the historical places I've read about in books.
I even love the souvenir shops, and the stop and go traffic of Yarmouth and Hyannis doesn't even bother me too much. It's a chance to roll the windows down, enjoy all the smells, and people watch.
The Keys!!
(and the Cape!)
I like Germany! the people are nice, but the accents make them sound scary!
I loved Yellowstone when I was a teen. I loved it so much I was going to live there forever. The fact that I've never been back there is just a glitch in my perfect memories.
As per my blog name... somewhere not far from you is my favorite place to go... and that would be Martha's Vineyard. My second choice would be... can't think of one :)
Woo hoo, a giveaway! My answer is kinda boring, but really my all-time favorite getaway is to New York City. I just love it and never get tired of going.
Elbow Cay in the Bahamas. :-) Instead of cars people use whalers of all sizes. Deserted beaches, for nekid swimming, crystal clear water and gorgeous pink & orange sunsets.
Ireland. The people are soooo friendly and the country is so beautiful. And of course, there is Kilarney.
OGT for this girl and her crew! A part of me always feels young up there. I think it has a lot to do with your family and all the times I spent up there with you all and the great memories that go along w/it!
Now after all these years my family is going to OGT every summer and fall and new memories and fun are part of the Hines crew! So OGUNQUIT is my vacation spot
I do miss Chatham but that holds to many memories of my other family...
I couldn't decide between Ireland & Elbow Cay. :-)
We were in Ireland in Feb. and the gods must have been smiling on us, as we had 10 days of sun. Spent 5 days in Kilarney, which I agree is beautful! I also loved the Dingle Peninsula and the moors of Glendalough.
I've never been anywhere exotic...heck, we honeymooned in Disney World. But when my cousin and I went to the Bahamas we had a really good time and I'd love to take my hubby there...sans kids. :)
I will have to say the Cape too - al;though I have never been to Ireland, but hope to soemday get there. The beaches I have been to in the Carribean have been beautiful, but usually the poverty of the islands gets to me. We left the Cape yesterday - I am always so sad to go over the bridge.
gee, maybe I should proof my comments before hitting send - sorry for all the typos!
WooHoo! Giveaway!
I love Cape Cod, I went there for years when I younger, but I also love the Outer Banks, and good ole FLA!
This is my first visit to your blog . . . what good timing - don't really know how I found it. Anyhow, my fav would be San Destin or Disney with the fam. Nothing like watching your little girl in her heaven on earth.
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