What have I done in the past week+?
Celebrated one's fabulous 12 year old birthday.
Evidently my husband is paying homage to the Deadliest Catch on his boat..
I helped plan a kick ass maritime festival complete with a 'blessing of the fleet'. Those boys and their boats deserve a good blessing every year. Here is my sister and her husband getting their boat blessed.
I watched my girls' babysitter drink beer legally.
I watched my brother in law win the survival suit contest. It is a very good thing to get the survival suit on in less than a minute!
I watched a cheery train do laps around the community center parking lot about 150 times. This particular time, famous author Lisa Genova and her 18 month old were riding the rails. You have all gone out and bought her book, Still Alice, right?
I watched my sister, Kate and Becki play with squid.
I watched a group of fishermen try their hand for the title of best "rope coiler" in town.
I have listened to B sing in church with a newly formed kid's choir.
I have volunteered at the elementary school, watched K ride in a horse show and place 3rd!, coached B's softball team, and taken 5 families' photos for a fundraiser.
I have sat at 2 nights of town meeting to see anything that has to do with the school pass (phew!)
Basically, I have barely had time to pee, never mind stop long enough to post. I would like to say the next few weeks will be easier, but it is not looking that way.
Why, Oh Why, is everything crammed into May and June? What's wrong with February, when I have plenty of free time?
Busy is the word...you're wearin' me out :) But any redhead's birthday is good for me to hear :)
Happy Birthday to your daughter! It sounds like you have been busy! But the photographs look like you had a little fun, too. I know what you mean by May and June. Everyone weekend is booked!
Wow! You *were* busy! This was a great summary of it: made me tired just reading it!
Happy Birthday (belated) to your 12 year old. I find it awesome that you gain readers by not writing!
It's always busy this time of year. Wait until your kids are graduating from high school. It's a busy you've only dreamed of...
Love the idea of a blessing of the fleet. It looks like it was a great time. Terrific photos!
Okay, you're excused, but I still missed you. Happy belated bday, K!
Love how much fun y'all have. Pics are awesome as usual!
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