My brother, Tommy (ok, he's now known as Tom), surprised my mom for Mother's Day by coming to the Cape. He decided that he didn't have any pictures of us (me and him), so we shot a few. And as I was thinking about posting the pictures, I thought you might like a funny story about him.
Tommy is the youngest (golden boy). I am 6 years older than him and my sister is a year and 1/2 older than him. We lived about 3 miles from the elementary school and my parents would let him ride his bike. He must have been in the 6th grade. Well, after much convincing, our neighbor Becky was allowed to ride her bike with him one sunny morning. My mom got the call from the nurses office that Tommy was ok, but needed a new outfit. My mom and I were going somewhere that day (seniors got out of school early) so we took our time and got ready to go before we dropped off Tommy some clothes. The secretary called and said, "Are you coming soon?" So my mom went upstairs to get T an outfit. As he tells the story, he was wearing a cool pair of shorts and his long sleeve Vaurnet tshirt that day and looked very hip. He will tell you that my mom went into the depths of his drawers for the geekiest, smallest pair of shorts and a "braggin dragon" (Sears brand of alligator) polo.
My mom gets to school and is horrified because Tommy is covered in scrapes. He describes what happened...' we were riding safely on the sidewalk when out of nowhere a cat runs in front of my bike and I flip'. They were 1/2 way to school and T had promised Mrs. Lucas that he would get Becky to school, so they continued on instead of coming home. May have had something to do with Tommy's penchance for perfect attendance (geek).
So since that fateful day, Tommy's nickname is Scab. Thankfully he has a good sense of humor because we LOVE telling this story to anyone that doesn't know it.

Great photos of a happy looking family! Family stories are the best and seem to bring out the sense of humor in all concerned. They are also a way to let the next generation know that indeed, we were all young once and had our own adventures. I grew up with five sisters and the stories have no end. I wonder what kind of stories we would tell if we had a brother?
I want a brother!!!!
Cute story and terrific pix!
Ohhhhh! One of my favorite Tommy stories! :) We love you scabula! :)
I will never live the replacement outfit down - even after I am dead and buried! I'm a great Mother, Sue and I were shopping while I sent Karen to school with Mono. Thought she was faking. Won't live that one down either. I love them all, however. Mom
Aww! Great story. I would think that as a boy, "Scab" would be a pretty cool nickname depending on how you look at it. :)
great photos, too!
OMG that is so awesome! I totally remember that. I also remeber him getting mad at us for calling him SCAB... I dont remember much of my Jr.High or HS days but I sure remember this:)
Tom looks good considering his B.A.L. the night before...
Hi there!
Delightful blog you have~I'll visit again!
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