Welcome to this weeks rendition of Friday Fragments sponsored by the ever delightful Mrs. 4444's! (cue applause)
*We have had some beautiful weather this week. One afternoon my mom and my MIL and I went and sat by the water enjoying the day. We brought lunch with us. My mom pulls out one of these

*It's official. My renters from Bulgaria are getting more mail than me. They must be stocking up on American things before they leave because they get packages every day from retail stores.
*Can sinuses explode? I have done nasal washes, nasal spray, Mucinex, Niquil, allergy medicines...anything to get them to drain. They feel so large they might give birth any day. Hopefully they don't decide to blow at one of the 2 weddings I am doing today.
*We might go apple picking this weekend. I love apple picking. (This is a go off Cape required trip. See problem below)
*There are 2 bridges to get on and off Cape Cod. The main bridge is being repaved and spruced up 24/7 for the next month and a half. That gives us one lane on and one lane off. People have been waiting in traffic for up to 3 hours waiting to get off Cape. They are going to continue for a few months in the spring too. Either I am not going to see my beloved Target (off Cape) for another month and a half or I am going to turn my car into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

With time we gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think,Good gosh, look how smart I am........
Here's to all you smart cookies out there! Go treat yourself to some Ben and Jerry's!
My drink stayed nice and cold with all the ice I could put into my spaghetti jar!
Who is that friend that sent the email? She could be my friend also. What good advice. I may use it!
Good FF. I'm first! YEA!
I SO understand the sinus's girl. Have you tried Vick's Sinex? It works WONDERS for me. I love it, and it really helps. Try it out, what can it hurt at this point?
I smile when I see that you're doing weddings! I wanna see! I wanna see!
Hope the weddings are smooth for you. What a mess that traffic must be! Waiting 3 hours in traffic? No. No. No.
That email was brilliant!
Love the weight gain thought! I may just have to use that as my moniker. :)
My mother also brings jars and bottles with water - I'm just so used to it, I don't think about it anymore LOL
My sinuses were awful the past two nights. I just suffer through and sleep another day. Nothing seems to work for me, I've changed my allergy meds and all the things you described.. yuck.
Enjoy your lovely weather!
Kristin - The Goat
I have also been suffering with sinus issues. Do you use a decongestant like sudafed? It is the only thing that works for me. I get horrible sinus headaches.
I love the weight story. Will have to remember that.
Years and years ago, hubby and I vacationed on the cape. We went for a tandem bike ride, took a wrong turn and ended up on the highway off the cape on a Sunday afternoon. Whoops. We pedalled and pedalled and pedalled until we got to the next exit. We were getting mega stares because we were going by all of the cars and because, of course, bikes aren't allowed on that road. I can't imagine waiting in that traffic for 3 hours. Yikes.
I had no idea I was so enormously cultured. Thank you for helping me change my perspective.
Love the Mason jar filled with water...but are you sure it didn't have moonshine in it instead? :)
I'm not surprised that your renters are stocking up...everything here is so much cheaper than it is there. My MIL had an exchange student from Thailand and you wouldn't even believe how much she spent on clothes solely because crap was so expensive there!
Hope your sinuses clear up...I would say go get some Sudafed but now you basically have to have a court order to get a box of that stuff!
Happy FF!
We were supposed to go apple picking today. Slept until 10:30 instead!! :)
The mason jar wrapped in aluminum foil is very creative - are you sure it contained ice water and not moonshine? ;)
Sinus issues aren't fun... Hopefully your sinuses won't explode while you're doing the weddings today...
We'll be doing apple picking this weekend, too - from the apple tree in our back yard so I can make wine and jam from them. :) That's a bummer about the construction reducing the lanes - sitting in traffic for any length of time is not fun, let alone 3 hours!
Love the humor your friend sent you - so that's where they came up with the term 'Smart Ass!' :)
Happy FF a day late! :)
I thought my sinuses were going to burst a few weeks ago. I just kept rinsing 3 times a day and finally they went back to normal. I hope you feel better soon!
Nice. Then I have the most intelligent belly I've ever had! :)
I so wish I could help with the sinuses thing; I'm sorry you're suffering. Hope the weddings went okay...
That jar--so funny!
Not sure I'd leave the island, I'd either do mail-order or wait. I take Benedryl, Advil & coffee for my sinuses followed by a short nap.
Love the fact that I have slowly been getting "smarter".
Happy belated Friday Fragments!
yikes, I hope those sinuses clear up soon!
And I'll now stop complaining about the construction they're doing simultaneously (starting the the school year) on every major road near me. It could be worse! Good luck....
Ahh, that makes all things right :)
can I just say that Cape Cod is one of my favorite places in the world. Okay, I didn't wait for your permission I had to say it
I love your friend's perspective! I'm so intelligent and cultured it's unbelieveable!
I'd stay on the Cape until the bridge is totally fixed. I'm the impatient sort and a three-hour wait would drive me insane.
Sorry about your sinus problems.
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