While I have been missing from blog-ville and missing all of you, I have
*seen 2 new bunnies at our farm

*celebrated my parent's 45th wedding anniversary

*cleaned a floor on my hands and knees (happily?)

*let B fulfill her life long dream of seeing a snow machine up close and personal.

*got the girls and I set up to have a kick ass winter skiing and snowboarding at a ski swap at Wachussett Mountain.

*watched B fully enjoy the snow machines.

*made K laugh so hard she almost peed.

*picked some pretty fall leaves.

*got to snuggle with a very cute bebe.

*hung out with my sister and brother and our friend Jill on a beautiful fall day.

*brought my camera into a farm market because everything looked so beautiful!

*And moved.
*Oh yeah, and separated from my husband.
*Yup, it was a pretty busy 2 weeks.
You've been busy these past few weeks. Loved the bunnies and the bebe is adorable!
I'm sorry about your separation. If you need a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to rant to, you know how to find me. {{hugs}}
You have been busy.
Take care of yourself.
Sorry about the separation, hope you are well--I'm sure that's a difficult thing.
The other happenings, on the other hand --too fun! :)
It's always nice to see NE in the Fall (from afar)
I'm SO SORRY to hear you are going through some rough stuff... I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
You weren't kidding when you said you were on your way up :) I'm glad that you're getting to spend this time with the girls, and I am always thinking of you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask! xo
Okay, you win.
You have been busier than me the last two weeks.
Hands. down.
Sorry to hear about you and the hubs.
Hope things work out for you.
Wow. I'm here if you need anything. Maybe a blog to vent?
You know I'm only an iChat away, "Jessica"! :)
That is some rockin' hat K is wearing. The ski swap sounds great! Well, not to me because I'm terrified of skiing. But for you? GOOD FOR YOU! I'm sure you'll have a great time. Take your wine to go with your mittens. :)
Your kids are so cute! Looks like you have been super busy! Hugs Mama, and I am sorry about the seperation :(
Sounds like a great time with the girls. Hope things work out for the best with the separation. Take care.
In my experience, separation can be a very good thing. At the very least it's a break from all the tension of NOT being separated and wondering whether you should be. I wish you well with it.
Sorry about the husband part. Sounds like otherwise, you've been having a great time. If you're going to be gone from blogging, at least you're doing it right! (I miss you, but I appreciate not having missed much here, haha!)
Your kids are adorable, I wish I had a girl to go along with my two boys. Sorry to hear about the seperation. Been there, done that and it worked out for us, we're stronger than ever. I wish you luck.
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