I'm a winner! I'm a winner! My weekend is starting out great because I was bestowed the honor of co-Fragment Friday Fun/Fish/Fantastic/ what does the other F stand for? Anyway, Mrs 4444's (the creator of Friday Fragments) thought my frag with Gretel and the grave she dug for me was worthy of an award!!! I'd like to thank the 4444's family, my family, Gretel for being a smart ass of a dog, my stuffed bear.... Go check out Mrs. 4444's Friday Fragments to get a load off your mind before the start of the weekend!
*Halloween is tomorrow. I will admit I am not a big fan of Halloween. Candy yes. Dressing up no. Case in point the perfect meltdown K had last night because our barn is having a Halloween Horse Show today and she is not ready. And, I know I am so mean, I will not take her out of school early today to shop for accessories for her camel/horse.
*Carving pumpkins is fun and cooking the seeds is fun, too. And picking the seeds out of my teeth for a week is REALLY fun. B and I carved the other day while K raked in the bucks at the barn guiding 3 trailrides.

DURING (electric knife tool, very fun!)

MINE AFTER (I took this picture because it looked like it had a boogy hanging from it's nose. I am so mature.)


*When I was outside taking the lit pumpkins (yeah, they had had a few too many), I turned around to grab a quick pic of the sunset. We have had some amazing sky color here lately!

*You know when you go to the Drs for a physical you shower, shave and try to smell good? Well I took my car to get inspected yesterday (2 days BEFORE it expired, that's impressive!). First, I cleaned it out, then I wiped 3 inches of dust off the dash, then I even windexed the inside of the windows and lastly I vacumed out a summers worth of sand from the trunk! She was looking sweet! I didn't have to wash the outside, the torrential rainfall took care of that the other day. She passed her test with flying colors and I got a wink from the man who didn't speak much english. I think that might be the same type of appreciative wink your Dr. gives you when you clean up for him/her. Either way, my car and I felt good leaving with a new sticker!
*I am sure I will have a barn party wrap up this weekend and Halloween in general wrap up. Then we can move on looking forward to the next feeding frenzy; Thanksgiving!
Congrats on being picked!
Love pumpkin seeds, too. Yum!
Happy Halloween!!
Congrats on being picked! I'm honored to be sharing the spotlight with you this week! :) I need to play catch up since I missed your post last week - I'll be doing that this weekend for sure. What kind of dog is Gretel? She's VERY COOL! :)
I'm not a big fan of Halloween, either - glad I'm not alone. Though Princess Nagger helps increase excitement to a degree... ;)
Looking forward to seeing pictures of the Halloween Horse Show - sounds cool!
Great job on the pumpkins - heh, heh, they were 'lit'... ;)
Happy FF - have a great weekend! :)
I like the sunset picture. Beautiful work!
I knew you posted good stuff BEFORE Mrs. 4's gave you that award.
Can't wait to see the camel/horse. That line got me laughing :))
AND my doctor has yet to wink at me. Now I'm wondering what things I might have missed in my inspection clean-up
Excellent pumpkins! Hope you and yours have a safe and candy-filled Halloween.
Congrats on the pimping cool award.
That's hilarious about the car clean up. I always want to clean mine before I get it serviced.
You SHAVE before you go see your doctor? Yikes. No wonder mine gives me dirty looks; I thought it was just too much glitter.
Love the pumpkins! So festive.
Check out those pumpkins! I am seriously impressed.
And that award?!? Wow! Enjoy your time in the spotlight. Sounds like a great time is headed your way.
We share the same feelings about Halloween. :)
Great pumpkins! I hope you and the girls have fun this weekend! xoxo
Love all the pics. And FYI..you didnt win that award missy...the pup did!!
Hallie :)
I love pumpkin seeds, too, and I was looking forward to carving one of the SEVEN pumpkins I bought last weekend (for the party), but Mr.4444 lost his mind and GAVE THEM ALL AWAY to a certain guest as she was leaving Sunday morning!! I hope she at least carves one and takes pics!! :)
My favorite p-seed recipe has cumin and cinnamon in it. Sounds weird, I know, but it's YUMMY!
You deserved the award! I'm still laughing!!
I love carving pumpkins! It's my favorite part of Halloween
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