Cape Cod is lucky to have a bike path that goes the length of the Cape, more or less. And we are lucky to live right near it! This is the newest thing that the girls like to do, B rides the bike and pulls K on the ripstick up hills. It works and makes them laugh, that's all that matters.....
A skateboarder being pulled behind a bicycle - - - - hmmm, wonder how long it was before those two knees were all skinned up!?
That is a fabulous bike path! Great too that your girls work so well together.
Such pretty flowers.
I can almost hear the laughter.
It looks like you had a fun, relaxing, overall pleasant day! The pictures of the girls and their bike bring back memories of childhood.
God, I miss The Cape!!!
Good times! I can't wait to get out on my bike (when I get back from my trip--bikes in for a tune-up!)
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