Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rock Hard Abs

I do not have rock hard abs, but did at one point in my life as a ski racer. Now I am trying to get rid of a little belly shelf and treat my body a little better this year. I enlisted my girls to help me do situps and B decided that she could do them with me while K is our commander/bitch/boss. She has lots of different types of sit-ups for us to do and laughs at us while we do them. Well, ok, we all laugh because sit ups make me pee, something they cannot understand at all. (hmmm, could it have something to do with 8lb13oz and 9lb7oz babies?)

So yesterday I am walking around feeling very fine and fit after 2 days of sit ups. Complimenting myself, wondering why I didn't try this sooner, walking a little taller and thinking that my pants are feeling loose already.

Then I went to the bathroom and realized that my pants had been unbuttoned for a few hours.

Oh, yeah, the girls got a good laugh over that one!


Melisa Wells said...

Hee hee...I think one of your girls has a future as a personal trainer...

Caution/Lisa said...

Honestly, Sue, I laughed so loudly at this post that the dog woke up.

Sarah Clapp said...

THIS IS SO FUNNY! CLASSIC! It's these little things that keep us humble. I had to laugh out loud because I saw a little of me, in this post!

Dysd Housewife said...

HEEEEE. Now thats my kind of weight loss. Oh and don't feel bad. I pee when I sneeze.

Manic Mommy said...


Another mom wishing she'd done her kegels more often!

Mary Ellen said...

So funny! I'm sure very soon it will happen with your pants buttoned.