My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are sunning on the beaches of Cancun this week.
Yeah, I know, "jerks".
Actually, they are not jerks, just 2 people desperately in need of a vacation together. I am sure many of you can relate to that.
I have their youngest for the week. J is 10. J is a boy.
Boys are different than girls. Not only in the physical sense, but all around. The girls are loving having a little brother for the week. J is on the same jump rope team as B, so they normally hang out a lot. One major difference between the girls and J is that J has the SMELLIEST soccer bag I have ever come in contact with. 2 pairs of cleats, sweaty shin guards and clothes that go back a few years equals very smelly bag. I walk through the kitchen and the smell tries to tackle me and take me down. Yes, time for the bag to hang out in the garage.
The 3 have been having a hilarious time taking their pictures with the computer camera.

Maybe I can convince Kath and Tim to go away for a week every month?!
PS: Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for Chris' book!
Those pictures are scarey! Nana
Boys' soccer bags should be incinerated at the end of each season. Nasty stuff.
It's good that the cousins have such a good time together.
I seek out free bags from wholesalers hacking their Mutual Funds, ETF's ect to replace P's nasty bag every now and then. There is NOTHING that gets that smell out. Hockey gear is about 100 times worse. Ick.
awww, looks like they are having fun! the "boy smell" is nasty. be glad you don't have it all the time! ;)
*sigh* That is a beautiful picture. Even with nice weather here, I'm still jealous!
I love the effects from the pics the three of them took. What program did they use? Way fun!
Little boys can have very stinky accessories. It's part of their charm, I guess.
I'm sure it wouldn't take much convincing.... :)
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