He is a fabulous photographer and has snapped many pictures all over Cape Cod and Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. There are pictures from the early morning, the middle of the night, middle of the day and from an airplane. The photos in this book encompass the feeling and beauty of Cape Cod.
And because Chris is a great guy, he has given me one of his books (signed!) to giveaway!!!
Just leave me a comment on this post finishing this sentence...
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see ___________________.
I will use the handy random number generator thing to pick a winner, therefore I am not judging your answers, just wanted to make you think a little. You have till next Wed the 14th!!
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see...SUE.
If i came to cape cod I would want to see.... wow I don't know everything & anything!!
Yay for your friend! Looks like a great book.
If I came to Cape Cod today, I'd want to see Nauset Light Beach and Coast Guard Beach since they were both so storm-damaged. Every year they are all repaired before I get out there in July!
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see the historic lighthouses :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
If I came to Cape Cod I would deininantly want to see a Cape Cod sunset after eating a lobster supper!
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see...Sue, Sally Tom and the whole family !!!
Sunrise at Wellfleet, The Christmas Tree Store (we don't have those here) and of course my BB Sue! ;)
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see my family first, but then the Cape Cod Canal. I have fond memories of being there as a child...It's BEAUTIFUL!
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see my boys playing in the surf, my husband at rest, my toes in the sand, and the horizon in front of me.
If I came to Cape Cod today, I would definitely want to see...a sunset over Cape Cod Bay...it's been so long...my friends in Wellfleet...just about everything! I miss it so!
If I came to Cape Cod, I would definitely want to see....Chris!! Hee hee suck up... lighthouses and sunset on the beach with Chris!
If I came to Cape Cod today, I would definitely want to see...a sunset on a date with Andy at his oyster farm...box of pizza, bottle of red wine...listen to the sounds of the water. Perfect!
If I came to Cape Cod, I definately would want to see all the places my mom tells me about in her childhood stories.... and my grandparents/uncles of course.
If I came to Cape Cod, I would definitely want to see how my baby son sees the beauty of it and takes it all in, just like I did the first time I was there! :)
Chatham Light!
If I came to Cape Cod I would want to see you. And then roam around with my camera.
If I came to Cape Cod I would definitely want to see my family who lives in Chatham who we never get to see, cook a huge feast, and with gratitude take in the sunset over the bobbing boats in Stage Harbor.
As a native Cape Codder transplanted to Florida, I would love to have this book so I can show my friends here how beautiful the Cape is.
If I came to Cape Cod I would want to see everything! I've never been there but we are moving there in a month, very excited :) I can't wait to see the beaches, explore the towns, find a house, etc.
If I went to Cape Cod I would definetly want to see if any damage was done to the coastline from the battering of all the storms this past winter season.
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see the beautiful ocean views. I think I could just stare at the water forever!
If I came to Cape Cod, I would definitely want to see the Chatham Lighthouse and Martha's Vineyard!@
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see Sue!
Thanks Melisa for stealing my answer, but maybe it's just that great minds think alike or that you are so magnetic a personality.
...the cape as it existed in years past! But since that won't happen so having a book to preserve some memories as they exist now would be great!
the steely gray blue Atantic Ocean on a day with thundering surf.
I would love to see Chatham in all its' glory. Have not been to the Cape in nearly 10 years, and miss it dearly. Spent many weeks near Forest Beach either on Tobey Turtle Road, or Florence Drive. My parents sadly are no longer with me, but my childhood memories with them on the Cape will be cherished forever.
If I came to Cape Cod I would want to see my grandfather, nauset beach, sundae school, the wind surfers at West Dennis beach at sunset, Main street in Chatham, a YD Red Sox game, a melt-a-way at Bonats in Harwichport and Casterbridge Union playing at the Irish Pub in Harwich! Gee, can you tell I am READY for summer and 3 weeks on the Cape!
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see my mom, because I haven't seen her since last summer.
Is there really anything to see apart from Sue? I guess dunes and the surf would be a good second choice.
Now, is Chris the prize?? I think if he is, I will do anything to win.
If I came to Cape Cod I would definitely want to see the up to date version of the memories of my childhood: 4Seas Ice Cream, a hot dog at the Barnacle on Craigville, the raft we used to swim out to at Wequaquet Lake, a long walk on Long Beach, window shopping on Main Street in Hyannis, a day at the National Seashore... there simply isn't enough time, is there?
The Wellfleet Elementary School Theme Parade!
watching the hunters moon come up over pleasant bat at chatham lighthouse.
WHEN I come to Cape Cod I love to see...
... fish and chips and a cold beer at the Chatham Squire.
... a cool breeze and a beautiful day from the front porch of the Chatham Bars Inn
... a Cape League baseball game in almost any park, but especially from the hill at Orleans Middle School
... and of course. a sunset on Cape Cod Bay.
If I came to Cape Cod, I would first visit my mom and dad. Followed by my sister, brother in law and sweetie nephew. I would take my step daughter to Nauset Beach and to get ice cream at The Sundae School. We'd get fish and chips at Sir Cricket. Go on the Whaler's Walk in Eastham.
If I came to Cape Cod, I would breathe in the beautiful salty air and know that I was home.
If I came to Cape Cod I would see my beautiful grandchildren who I miss so much. Florida is fine but I love them more.
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see my friend Sue!!!!
Because, I love the Cape and Sue rocks -- what an AWESOME book -- thanks for the chance, my friend!
The sunset from Race Point or maybe a big basket of scallops from Arnolds or the Highland Light...
If I came to Cape Cod,I would definitely want to see my kids playing in the Bay, me sitting in a beach chair and then every ice cream shop!
Thanks - Mary Anne
If I came to Cape Cod, I definitely would want to see the sunset, the ocean and a glass of wine in my hand.
I would want to see a lighthouse as I'm standing with my feet in the Atlantic ocean.
Thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful book.
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