Please go congratulate Mrs. 4444s on her 100th Friday Fragment post! Can you imagine if she didn't invent this day to spew random thoughts? My head would probably have exploded by now!
*At the moment, I am sitting in the convention center in Galveston, Texas watching the National Jump Rope Championships. There are 915 kids competing in 2 1/2 days of events. Our team has brought 10 of those kids. We will know better what kind of places they finished in later, but so far they are all giving it their best!
*Another mom and I came early with our kids and got to hang out in Houston for a day. We wanted to see the real cowboy Texas, not the Florida type Texas that Galveston is. I am not complaining about Galveston, but it is on the water and is hot and beachy like Florida. We ate some very good Mexican food, saw a house made out of beer cans, and went to the Kemah Boardwalk. Of course I have oodles of pictures of all these things, but they are still in my camera and will not be downloaded until I get home.
*I love people watching and Texas has not disappointed me in that vain. A big guy was wearing a shirt at the boardwalk that had a picture of a man with his pants down, sitting on a toilet, shooting a gun out a window at a deer with the caption, "Shoot or get off the pot". So classy, right?
*Everything is BIG in Texas.
*B wanted to give a few fragments herself since she is not competing today.....
We have had many mottos while we have been here such as..
*Everything is bigger in Texas,
*You will never see them again, so act bizarre if you want,
Uh and the one my cousin uses ALL THE TIME that bugs me out of my mind.....
*We're here to jump rope.
4 words that drive me out of my mind. We're here on vacation too right?!?!
I'll be sure to write some of a post from Texas after we get back... Love, B
HaPpY WeEkEnD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait for the photos! Have a great time!
Enjoy your trip and good luck to the team!
I hope everyone has a great time at the tournament. Good luck in the competition and have a safe trip home.
Can't wait to read all about it!!!
everything IS bigger in texas! can not wait to see your photos!
Hey Sue baby! I didn't even know there was such a thing as jump roping competitions. How cool is that? AND you get to visit Texas?
That guy's shirt was hysterical!!!
Justine :o )
for some reason, I started reading this post last week and obviously got distracted, because here I am again!haha
I love the "so act bizarre if you want" practice; it's one of the best parts about being on vacation in a strange place. You have to hope you don't end up on someone's You Tube video, but what the heck!
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