*It's school vacation week here so everything is on a much more laid back schedule, this is why my fragments are on Saturday.
*K and B are with their dad in Florida. I am getting some amusing stories via text and calls. For example, K flashed the beach yesterday because the big waves caused a wardrobe malfunction with her bikini top. Then their grandfather told them about the time when he was swimming with his girlfriend and a bunch of people. Said girlfriend lost her top and Grandpa came to the rescue by covering her up with his hands.
*It is weird without the girls here. I can't blame any cups on the coffee table or clothes on the floor on anyone but myself.
*I bought a book yesterday and read the whole thing before I went to bed. It was that interesting. It is called Heaven is for Real.
*I got to spend 3 1/2 hours with one of my besties (Good Lord, now I am talking like a teen) yesterday. Beck drove down from Maine, I drove up from the Cape and we met at the South Shore Mall. If you go to the Cheesecake Factory there, ask for Harry as your waiter. He is good and has nice eyes. As always it was excellent to see each other, but far too short of time! Does anyone want to send the 2 of us somewhere for about a week? I'd be happy to write a stellar review.
*My mom and I went and enjoyed a glass of wine (OK, a bottle) with 2 women the other night. One of the women, Cindy, once worked in the cubicle next to my brother (God Bless her) and we had heard of one another, but had never met. She and a friend had brought their kids to the Cape for a few nights and my mom and I invited ourselves over. Now all 4 of us are fast friends and I am pretty sure we will be seeing more of them on Cape Cod. I am pretty sure by the end of the (bottle) night, we gave them an open invitation to stay at our houses whenever. Cindy writes a funny blog here.
*Hope the bunny brings you lots of chocolate!
I saw your girls at the Dunkin Donuts at the exit 6 rest area on Tuesday, they must have been on their way out. I didn't want to say hello this time because I think I may have freaked them out a little when I spoke to them at the mall last year! It sounds like you are having a nice week on your own though.
Thanks for the nice plug!
We had a really really nice time with you guys, too! And, how nice that you didn't turn out to be axe murderers.
See you sooner than you think, I bet.
Happy Easter to you!
And the wardrobe story? I think I would die of mortification if my grandfather had ever told me that story. Or my father for that matter. Hope your girls are having fun though!
Funny how we generate as much of a mess in the house without the kids, huh? Hope you have a happy Easter.
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