It's been awhile since I fragged, so perhaps that means I have lots of little bits in my head...
Number one: I cannot get this song out of my head. And of course I picture my longest friend's husband dancing to it with a cigar in his hand.
Why this song? Well there is a rather large hurricane named
Irene(rhymes with Eileen) coming up the east coast right now (in case you hadn't heard about it).
The east also had an earthquake this week. I did not feel it, but I guess some Cape Codders did. I laughed at the pictures of people's lawn furniture being turned over, or the crooked picture on the wall. However, it is sort of creepy to have an earthquake and a hurricane within a week of each other on the East coast. What exactly does this mean?
Come Hell or High Water I am going to Maine for my vacation week. This is the first time I have used this phrase that it could be taken literally. Stupid Irene better not get in my way. Shit, there goes the chorus of that song again through my head. (That is the Hell part, people).
We start school after Labor Day and there is required summer reading. Every summer it is a battle because it often involves lots of writing. We just ran and got ice-cream where there was a sign that said, "Hey, your teacher called. Better do your reading." Maybe my kids aren't the only ones?
Little Dude's sister turned 1 this week! She is so cute!
Patty from A Day in My NYC has won the little Monsta IPhone that I was giving away!!! Yay Patty! Next week a little something from Hallmark.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to prepare for the storm if you need to. And I am sorry if you now have that song in your head, but at least you feel my pain.
HA! I was going to post on my facebook status COME ON IRENE and then I was like "wait that doesn't make sense"
I didn't feel the earthquake either.
Have a great vacation!
Maine called--They said they've got everything covered.haha Have fun, and STAY SAFE! :)
What a cutie-patootie!
Love that sign. We don't have a reading list--The ones who need to read won't do it anyway...
a storm?? Coming this way?? Honey, there is NO storm that this woman can't weather.
Dylan has been singing "Come on Irene" for several days now. Great minds! :)
Come to Detroit. If you survive your time in the actual city, we'll have fun.
Is the song just stuck in your head as is? Because I would probably be making up asinine hurricane related words. I hope that it doesn't do too much and your vacation will be fab.
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