Fast forward to Saturday when they were scheduled to parade down Chatham's mainstreet. We went and saw them getting lined up in front of the Bud carriage. This took F-O-R-E-V-E-R, by the way. But it was interesting to see how patient the horses were getting all geared up. (More patient than I ever would have been!)
Here are the first 2 of the 8.

2 more added on....

Their hooves were gigantic!

Here they are coming down Main Street in Chatham. Very impressive and the crowd was enormous! You would have thought the Jonas Brothers or Brad Pitt or Tom Brady was coming to town!

There was, however, the infamous Dalmation sititng right up top with the drivers!

That's fun! I love the Clydesdales.
I'm pretty sure that first picture is my brother-in-law, but I guess that's insulting to the Clydesdales.
You know, the first horse I ever saw up close, in real life . . . a Clydesdale. I was five.
I was petrified of horses. For a long, long time.
No Pretty Ponies for this gal.
I got over it. Eventually.
If Tom Brady or Brad Pitt had been there, you would have known, because *I* would have been there :)
Great photos! I love horses, just so long as they keep their distance.
If I were a horse, I would want to be a Clydesdale. But I would want to be the first one in line.
Oh I LOVE them! they are so beautiful. I've been up close many times. At the horse show friends of ours used to chair they would have 4 that would open the ring in the evening for the night classes. The judges would ride in the carriage and I got to as well a couple times.
I've seen the clydesdales at their home at Busch Gardens in Tampa and they're very well taken care of . They parade through the park and people love them. They don't throw beer to the crowd there either :)
We were camping on Cape Cod that week and just happened to pass the KMart when the horses were getting bathed. It takes a lot of water to wash a horse that big. They are gorgeous! It was a real treat to see them in "person."
The handler that I spoke to didn't know how they were trained to be calm under parade conditions, with all the noise and people.
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