Friday Frags by Mrs. 4444s where you can get all your thoughts out by tipping your head to the side and tapping the top of your head while hopping on one foot. You know, similar to when you have water in your ears....
*Today was a great day because it was my birthday. A Facebook page is a wonderful thing to have when you have your birthday. I had wishes from so many people from every part of my life, it was amazing!
*I got to go as a chaperone with B's class to Sturbridge Village. It rained, snowed and was sunny! See, there I go again talking about the weather. We had a blast!
B tried on some of the 1830's fashion.... Don't think they had Aeropostale back then, but she's always been one to rock any look and make it her own.
*It is fun watching American Idol, especially since Sioban is from Cape Cod! The girls and I have never watched a whole season until this one. Yes, I know, shame on me. Of course, now I have 2 divas aiming to get on American Idol when they are 16.
Happy Weekend! :)
29 Again! hahahahaha
You and me both, sister!
And: I've NEVER watched "American Idol", except for two seasons where I watched maybe two of the audition episodes; that's it! (I'm a loser, I guess!)
They said no to the bonnets? Imagine that. I haven't been to Sturbridge Village since I was a kid. Happy Birthday, Sue. Sounds like it was a good one.
Happy Happy Birthday!
I miss the days when I could chaperone field trips. Enjoy every minute!
Oh, big deal, Sue. I've had MANY birthdays (aren't they So fun)!
Hope you had a great one.
O.M.G. I never wished you a happy birthday yesterday! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I feel terrible now! Crap! Shit!
Since when are you nannying? Just the one kid, or more?
B looks adorable in her get-up!
Justine :o )
oh my !! bad aunt?!!!! did any one send me the new birthday list that I lost again...badddddd Happy late birthday and things will only get better for you this next year...I love you Auntie Marcia
Love the schoolhouse shot :)
Speaking of weirdo Siobhan from Cape Cod (who I love). Does it bug you Cape Codders that they pretend that "Cape Cod" is a town? Bugs me. Cape Cod is not a town. No one would get away with saying they were from The Panhandle, Florida. Am I wrong here?
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