I went to Sturbridge Village this week as a chaperone with the 5th grade. It is not on Cape Cod, as a matter of fact, it is 2 and 1/2 hours away. It is a village that portrays life in 1830. The people that work there dress in character and talk about life way back when. Enjoy some of the scenes from this pretty village...
Your photos are awesome...I went to Sturbridge once, years ago. I much prefer Cape Cod. That was where I spent my honeymoon, 27 years ago in September. Have been back once since. So beautiful..the beaches, Provincetown...ah, memories!
Wonderful collection. It looks like you stepped back in time. I really like the waterwheel and the lamb at the fence.
Where's the picture of you in your birthday tiara???
Those are just beautiful photos. I love the first one especially. Village life looks so peaceful.
Beautiful crisp photos! have a wonderful week!
I've always loved things like this. Getting a peek back in time. Did the kids like it?
Justine :o )
These pictures are so lovely. It made me want to pack the boys in the car and take them to a farm at once. Perfectly lovely images! I love little lambs!
We have a place like that about 45 minutes from where I live. Very nice pics!
I feel transported back in time. Beautiful post. Isn't it wonderful that places like this, where the time stood still, continue to exist--a paralel universe coexisting with our crazy, agitated and always in a hurry world?
I am sure the kids loved it there, it is nice to step back in time x
Very neat! I grew up in Michigan, not far from Greenfield Village which sounds very similar. It was always lots of fun and I learned a lot too.
We have a place here too like that in Bethpage, NY. You worked by making butter they paid you 10 cents and they you bought candy at the general store. Very Little House on the Prairie...loved that school trip!
What a fun trip. When my daughter was in like 5th grade, they had a whole week they dressed up and acted like their from the victorian era. Lots of fun.
I love those types of places! You took some gorgeous shots, too :) baaa
I love Sturbridge Village, but haven't taken the kids yet. We spent the day poking around, right next door, in Sandwich.
It really does look like the photos are from another time. You captured some beautiful images. I particularly like the last one.
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