However, New Englanders have the weather changing every 5 minutes.
You walk into the Post Office, "Mighty wet out there today!".
A bunch of mom's waiting to pick the kids up from school, "When, oh, when will the sun come out?".
My MIL calling from Florida, "How's the weather?".
The weather is the main common ground people have when starting a conversation. We complain about it, celebrate it, curse it and can become very animated about it. How do people in static weather states start a conversation? Do they actually talk about things that bother them? Do they talk about the fluctuating prices at the grocery store? Maybe they discuss their undergarments.
"Hey dude, what's up?"
"Actually my arthritis is flaring up, I need to mow my lawn again, my wife spent too much at the grocery store for the 8th week in a row, and these tightie whities are a little snug!"
Hmmm, yeah, maybe talking about the weather isn't so bad.

If the weather is 86 and sunny everyday, you don't have to talk about the weather, just enjoy it.
Michiganders love to talk about the weather. Every day I promise myself that when I pick up the kids from school, I will NOT engage in weather talk. Every day I go right ahead and join in the weather talk. It's a sickness, I believe.
I wish I have the "problem" of 86 degrees every day...I think the only people I'd talk to would be those on the beach :)
I was in Mystic two weekends ago.
and then the rains came......
I promise to hug the mouse for you even if it's the ONLY thing I can muster up the energy for!
I wish I could have a little of your weather. Well, a lot actually. Can I move in with you?
Justine :o )
In north Florida we still have cold weather, not New England cold, but deep south cold.
We talk about hurricanes, sand in our shorts and how much we hate seagulls... just normal stuff.
I don't know what people in states with static weather talk about but your conversation about tidie whities still has me smiling. In the Midwest we complain about it being too cold, too snowy, too hot, too rainy and the occassional tornado. We have topics a plenty to keep us going.
I don't mind talking about the weather, but my mother obsesses about it with hurricane tracking maps, blizzard/flood alerts, etc.
I lived in Houston for 7 years where the weather is mostly hot and humid, but sometimes cold (like 45 degrees!)and wet. Nobody ever mentioned the weather, how hot or how sweaty they were. I had to get back here for my 4 crazy seasons!
So very true....and yeah, may the blessings be upon you this week, but save some for me, okay?
Oooo I dunno. When I've spent time down in islands like Aruba, the talk is all about the water and the waves and what they're going to do - OUTSIDE - that day. *sigh* It's a rough life.
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