Easter weekend started off with some pretty interesting conversations about, well, Easter. One would think Easter was around just because bunnies are cute and we all love candy. Hmm, then why do we go to church on Easter? We had our big family Easter dinner on Saturday night, because my brother was down and he needed to leave in the afternoon today to get back for Easter with his girlfriend. We had a wonderful time and many, many laughs along with sugar. The 2 men that own a store downtown that my mom works at (very part time) came for dinner and one of them made these delectable Easter eggs that were ALL SUGAR! I would say you would be awake for a week if you had eaten a whole one, the hell with Red Bull! Anyway, so that left us with the candy trail to the Easter baskets this morning and then once again to mom and dad's for breakfast.

We happened to pass by our church on the way to Dunkin Donuts and B noticed the cross in the front yard. "Why is there a cross on the front yard?"
me, "Because Jesus was crucified on the cross."
B, "What does that mean?"
K, "You know when they nailed his wrists to the cross and he died."
B, "What? They nailed his wrists? Like with a hammer?"
me, thinking good Lord we need to go to church more often... "Yes, that is what the cross is for. What is Easter for?"
B + K, " The day he died."
me, "Ugh! NO!"
Matt (the only Catholic in the car), laughing
me, "It is the day he was resurrected. Good Friday was the day he died. And what do you think Maundy Thursday is?"
B, "A Canadian Holiday?"
I was speechless after that, so will have to show you some pictures of the egg hunt wtih the 35 mph wind and the 30 degree temps. This is spring, right?
Barren egg hiding bush...
K, counting her eggs....
B, determined to find more than her sister...
Gretel thinking that an egg would taste good about now...
The $1 parachuting bunny and egg were the biggest hit of the day...

Hope you all had a great Easter OR a great Passover OR that you enjoyed the new Canadian Holiday (Maundy Thursday)!
After reading your blog and seeing your photos, I was reminded of Easter traditions of the past. The favorite of my own children and nieces and newphews? Dad used to hide eggs in his big back yard with dollar amounts on them. Only the kids could look for them. They would chomp at the bit until it was time for the annual Easter egg hunt. The adults would get a kick out it, watching them run around, trying to find more than their cousins. Dad loved being the best Easter Bunny around. It was a kick.
Gretel is gorgeous...:) I also love the deck chairs in your banner photo, and was thinking, "That one on the left is me...bit broken and leaning slightly..." :)))
Love this post! Exactly! We went to church yesterday, and it was a real challenge to make that happen. I want to know how to educate my kid about this stuff while still avoiding being regular church-goers. Although, I think we're headed to being regular church-goers, since I can't seem to find the time to teach her (and re-teach myself) all that stuff. Thanks for this post! So glad I found your blog.
How fun! At least Matt is keeping the girls in line...LOL
So...what do Canadians do for Maundy Thursday? (bwahahahaha!)
I can remember many Easter egg hunts held in the house because there was still too much snow up here!
That is about the funniest thing I've read all day!! Give her a hug from me, please. The laugh was that good.
We too got the $1 parachutes. I could of saved a bundle knowing that would of been the hit of the day...
We did ask the kids why we celebrate Easter and they did get it right, and they better seeing we go to church for 3 hours every Sunday... But Sophia did get it a bit wrong with saying "erection" not reserection... AWKWARD...
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