So, it's actually Saturday night fragments, but hopefully Mrs. 4444's won't mind. It's an easy one because it's a post of pictures I have taken thinking I would get them into posts, but haven't.
The first set is from the Wellfleet Oyster Festival. We had fried dough....
This is one of the crafty things people do with the oyster shells after they eat the oyster....they turn them into beautiful decorations.
B and her friend posed in the middle of 2 oyster shells
Then one night, B and I went down to the shore and took pictures of the beautiful sunset. Just looking at these pictures makes me feel blessed to live here.
B, modeling for me.
My mom and a few of my friends and I took a class on how to make a Thanksgiving centerpiece. Not too bad, eh?
This is my brother in law's boat coming in with a full catch! Look at all the seagulls behind him!!

One day B and I were going somewhere and got stuck in a line of traffic behind a man moving his boat to dry dock for the winter. There is a man in a blue hat on the top of the boat manuevering the tree limbs away from the boat. He must have lost a bet to get that job.

So those are my fragmented pictures for the week. I will work on getting this up on the right day next week!
I SO wish we had some kinda of festivals like that-- altho I'm sure we have some kinda of cool festivals, I just have never really looked into them. Yours just always look so NEAT! And fun! I love all the pics! :)
Love the seagull shot!!
YUMMY fried dough!!!!
See? You may not have three Target stores within ten minutes of your house like I do, but you have other FABULOUS things like that sunset, the beach, and all of the other things you can't get anywhere else! Great pics as usual! :)
Eating oysters and fried dough? I could handle that. I think your centerpiece is most beautiful.
wow look at all those GREAT photos!
I'm out making my SSS rounds hope your week is going great!
hi would like to visit me
Beautiful photos of life and happenings on the Cape, makes me all a bit homesick. Thank you for sharing your photos.
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