1. Do you have the same friends since childhood? I am bffs with my friend Melissa who I started 1st grade with in Acton, MA. I don't technically keep in very good touch with friends from high school, but college friends, I am lucky to have many close ones!
2. What do you value most about your friends? I value the differences in all my friends. Although they all have grace, integrity, sense of humor and the ability to be there for me whenever I need them.
3. Are your friends your sounding boards?My friends and my family are my sounding boards!
4. What is your favorite activity to share with your friends? Going out for tea, wine, dessert or a walk.
This award goes to all my friends who read my blog, but do it secretly! And to my bloggy friends (drum roll):
Melisa at Suburban Scrawl
Sarah at Suburban Rage
Hallie at Wonderful World of Weiners
Jackie at Thoughts from the Deep End
Oh my gosh. This is my first blog award ever! Thank you! Thank you!
that was lovely. I like to share vodka and funny stories with my friends. :-)
First, I'd like to thank all the little people...
Thanks Sue!
Seriously though, I am honored to be chosen for this award!
I enjoy your site immensely and am glad that you stop by the deep end as well!
Aww, thanks! LOVE IT! It's goin' up on my blogroll & blessings page right now! :)
Congrats on your award.
Loved learning more about you.
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