Time to unleash the dam of little tidbits in my mind for the week.... Thanks
Mrs. 4444s!
*I finally remembered to bring some of my Blogher bags to the grocery store. B and I had a fun time opening them up and seeing which sponsor they were from. It made a nice display on my kitchen floor, too.

*It's still beach time here on Cape Cod. I love this picture of K Click on it to see the sand in her hair.

*School is looming in the distance, so the girls are cramming to finish their summer reading. At least B is, K is working too much at the barn

*B made "beach salad" the other day with crab on top. It was delicious? Looked nice, anyway and kept her busy for an hour.

Suburban Scrawl Reviews was giving away one of these handy dandy Hairzings this week. We got them from a lovely girl at Blogher and B LOVES wearing it. It's going in her hair on the first day of school. Yup, already decided.

*I tried my new Eye-Fi today which is a wireless device that goes from camera to computer automatically. It is very cool, but I have much to learn and will update you as I figure it out. Here is one of my first pictures with it. One of the things I need to figure out is why the pic is so small. Another question: What kind of crazy antics is Mr. P.H. pulling here?

*Looks like we might get brushed by Hurricane Bill tomorrow night. Oh, did I mention Amy and I are shooting a wedding on the beach at 5:30 tomorrow night? I hope the bridesmaids use a lot of hairspray in their up-dos.
Have a super weekend!!!!
I love the picture with the sand in the hair.
That's quite a collection of shopping bags you got. For me the challenge is to remember to bring them.
I finally remembered to bring my BlogHer bags into the store yesterday! I have to say, I felt alot happier carrying groceries into the house in those bags for some reason...
and the giveaway is on until THIS SUNDAY!! (what's this "was" business? are you trying to keep people from going over there? :) )
Have a great weekend! xoxo
I couldn't believe how many different bags I brought home from BlogHer too! I always forget them in my closet, though... grrrr!
Great Fragments!
Sorry Melisa!
OK, the Hairzing contest is still going on until Sunday at Suburban Scrawl Reviews. I guess I just didn't want anyone ruining my chances at winning. Hahaha
Great fragments! I love the sand in the hair. I haven't been able to get anywhere near sand this year.
Beautiful pictures! I wish we lived closer to the beach!!
Be safe at the beach! Happy weekend!
those pics made me so sad that summer is coming to an end!!
And JEALOUS because I only got MRS. Head!!! WHere is the Mr????
Sorry about the whole Bill thing. Hope you don't get too much rain and wind.
The photo of K is the perfect summer portrait.
Oh my gosh, I looked up that Eye-Fi card and HOW COOL IS THAT?! I look forward to reading more about how you like it as you get to know it =D
Your girls are so beautiful, Sue.
Is the EyeFi wireless? Very cool!
I have yet to remember my bags from BlogHer when I go into a store. Someone needs to invent something to remind people about this. I've GOT IT! (Off to invent!)
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