Have you ever heard of the
Filene's Basement Bridal event? It's where hundreds of designer bridal gowns are marked down to ridiculous prices and soon to be brides, camp out and rush the store at like 6:30 in the morning.
Thursday was suppose to be a big day in Chatham, where 3 upscale stores put all their "old" merchandise on sale. When I say "sale", I mean BIG TIME SALE. They even have the sale in a vacant store front. It was called B.A.D.A. (Bad Ass Discount something).

See the golden tickets around the sign? Those were given to their best customers or some local store owners. Are you seeing an eerie resemblance to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? The Golden Ticket owners were allowed to cut the line and go in whenever they wanted. I think they got to try stuff on, too. That was not for the average folk.
We got there at 12 on Thursday when it was suppose to start and because it was raining, the sale was postponed to the next day at 10. (I have no idea, what it had to do with rain, but whatever!!!!). We (B,K and me) show up at 10 on Fri. to this line....

And the smart thing (?) we got into it. There had been people waiting there since before 8 am to get into this sale! As I found out in line, it is a once every 2 year sale. The group that they cater to is teens/twenties who are a size 4. What the heck was I doing in this line you ask? K, really, really, really wanted to go because she L.O.V.E.S. one of the stores and I am a nice mom and a sucker for a sale. There were instructions when the store opened.... (and some girl yelled these out to the crowd)....
A friend of mine and her daughter happened to be infront of us. So we bantered back and forth for 1 1/2 hours before we got into the store. As we got closer, the tension grew! We saw girls coming out of the store with armfuls of clothes. We soon realized that the idea was to grab as much as you could inside and bring it outside (where one could breathe) to decide on what you wanted.

There were cars draped in quilts so you could lay your purchases on the hood, etc and decide. Oh and did I mention it was HOTTTTT?! Yeah. Hot. Oh and No. Airconditioning. In. Store. It was basically insane.

When it was our turn, the girls were giddy and we skipped in. The store was suffering hot and full of sale driven women (and even some kids under 10!!). There was nothing in the store that was over $50. The jewelry was $1, the bags were $5, the sunglasses were $1, it was crazy. The dresses ranged in price from $5-$50. The only brand name that I recognized was Juicy cuiture. (Bascically, the brands they had are not found at Target). I headed straight to the jewelry table because I knew I could afford it and fit into it. It did not disappoint, I got $2o worth! The girls found some cute dresses for $5-10 a piece. The daughter of the friend in front of us in line, almost fainted from heat at the end. Yes, it was that overwhelming.
We laughed at our bargains and were giddy for hours after. Then K said the dreaded sentence....
"I want to go back tomorrow and get there at 8 am".
And remember the fact that I am a good mom who REALLY enjoys a bargain? We got there at 8:30 and were 15th in line (with our lawn chairs, Dunkin Donuts and books). Yup, that meant that we got in in the first wave of shoppers at 10. We knew what we were doing and had a game plan that would have made the New England Patriots jealous (sorry Mrs. 4444s). I got a little carried away and thought a few of these junior sizes would look good on me, HAHAHAHA.
In 2 years, I will fully stick to the jewelry and bag tables!
The thought of this makes me want to cry a little and - also - I am finding it a little hard to breathe while I read your post of sweaty people breathing all over each other....
I have definitely stood in line for hours to get into a good sale!
I'll try to forgive you! :) Smart of you to bring the chairs, etc. Live and learn, huh? Glad you found some good deals.
Go, Pack!
Oh my gosh.
My idea of heaven!
Believe it or not, I HAVE heard of Filene's sales!
How fun! Though I have NEVER stood in line that long to get into any store. But I suppose if I had a daughter who really wanted to go, I'd do it too. :)
I love watching the news coverage of the Filene's wedding dress sales. Those brides are NUTS!
OMG that sounds like HELL.
But it's nice to "meet" another Cape Cod blogger. Hi there :).
I sent $20 along with Shanty who went on Friday. She claims to have gotten be a BAD A** shirt, however I have yet to see it or the change. :)
Did you know that the Filene's event was held during BlogHer? I almost went for shits & giggles but didn't wanna go by myself!
It sounds like you had a BLAST!! what a cool idea!
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