My Sundays in My City has a heart theme in honor of Valentine's Day. Thank you Unknown Mami for sponsoring this!
Our downtown area tried to drag tourists here (in the middle of winter when things are pretty quiet) so they made a big hoopla over Valentine's Day.

My girls and I hit the beach for their annual Valentine's Day photo. I have taken a picture of them around Valentine's Day every year since they were little. I included some old pictures of them in this post.
I tried to make the girls in the shape of a heart, but it turned into a giggling fest. K made a broken heart. Bummer, right?

This heart is made with mermaid toenails. Yup, that's what everyone calls them because they are shiny and beautiful. (Like toenails are shiny and beautiful?)

This is a mussel shell that I found exactly like this on the beach!
I love all the natural hearts. I went to the beach this weekend too, and found a 'toenail.' Thanks, now I know what to call them.
Happy V-Day to you and yours.
I think I'm less disturbed by the "pretty" toenails than the fact that even women with an aquatic tail still have to worry about pedicures! ;)
Hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day with your two sweeties. :)
Ack. Did my other comment go through???
Happy VD, Sue. From one Masshole to another.
The picture of the girls turned out great!
Happy V-Day!
Cute post!!
Love all the beach hearts and the girls look great! Happy heart to all! M and A
I so wanna come visit you!!!! man your town looks like a place i would just fall in love with!!!
Great photos Sue!!!
I love the mermaid toenails. Now, I hate to be gross, but that first shot? It makes me think of some kind of animal droppings. Dare I ask??! :)
I love the photos, especially the one of your girls! Toenails? You learn something new everyday! I wish I could say I went to the beach, but no. However, this Valentine's Day was special around here, too. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
(BTW, did I tell you I love the photo at the top of your blog. I hope I can visit the area someday.)
I never knew they called those shells mermaid toenails! I love it..great photos..espically of the girls! Im so envious of all that beautiful red hair!!!!
what an adorable set of photos...i love the toenail hearts!
Happy Valentine's Day the beach-- Your pictures are so fun and totally in the <3 spirit.
Thanks for sharing your Sunday!
I loved this post. I loved seeing your Valentines. Such pretty girls. I love their happy smiles : ) And I loved learning about mermaid toenails : )
Love the pictures and the natural valentines, (and, of course, the pictures of your girl and dog!!!
Lindsey Petersen
Lovely pictures! Especially, the heart made from "toenails" and of the girls.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Sue that is such a lovely VD post. I love all the work you and your girls did on the sand with those shells and trying to make hearts and all. I am glad that it is not snowing where you are at. I wonder what snow looks like on sand?
Have a lovely week.
I love beach photos in the wintertime! Happy belated Valentine's Day!
Those are some gigantic toenails!
You know what would have made my Valentine's Day extra lovely? If I lived near that beach!
Love your post! I come here for my daily dose of the beach. thanks. :)
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