Yesterday my mom, B and her friend A and I went to....
Ptown is the tip of Cape Cod. If you look at Cape Cod as an arm, Ptown is the hand, Chatham is the elbow and Falmouth is the armpit. (Sorry Falmouth). We went to Race Point Beach first.

As you can tell, it was a little windy and chilly, but beautiful nonetheless. We finally found the base of the Pilgrim Monument (trust me, we drove around and around). In the summer season you can climb to the top. We had to be satisfied with a picture from the bottom.
Provincetown's streets are very narrow. In the summertime, this street is hopping with people.

Would love to JOIN YOU in the summer! (someday!!!)
Love P-town. Most of the time, we hang out on the flabby, underside of the upper arm. You know, Hyannisport.
Just luv P-town, especially in the summer when it's crazy! :-)
Didn't we have a wonderful adventure? You never got me one of those fish you were sitting on, however. Such a beautiful day! Nana
Other than the color of the sand, Ptown looks a lot like my little harbor town. It's crazy around here in the summer too.
You captured a gorgeous day!
Do you have room for 4? I want to come and visit..you can come and spend some time in the netherlands as a thank you:) lol
it's pretty there...i thought you would have snow though. now am i right that the perfect storm was set there? and what about jaws?
Love the pictures! I attended college for a couple years in Boston. I loved going back home with a friend who was from the Cape. I remember the first time I saw it snowing on the beach, and thought it was so incredibly beautiful! Being from South Dakota, and only having spent time on beaches in warmer climates, it was a breath taking sight! :)
Oh what a beautiful day and what a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing your day Sue.
I want to visit cape cod. lovely place.
Oh, you make me miss the Cape! Great pictures! :)
Love your pictures. Looks like you all were having a wonderful time.
Have a great week.
Great to see the pictures of PTOWN
on a sunny Winters Day
I love Ptown, been going there for many years but not for the last three. I will be there in June. Thanks for a sneak peek :-)
I love it! I want to move to Cape Cod dammit!
How cool is that warehouse honoring those women? Waaaaaaaaaaaa... take me with you!!
Justine :o )
OMG, this just in. Know what my word verification is? MORONS! I shit you not.
Beautiful! It looks like so much fun!
Re: Justine's word verification - one time mine was "panties". I nearly had to close the comment window and start over.
I love the building with the pictures of the women on it and I am taken with the beautiful blue skies.
You make a lovely bench model.
Hi! First time in your blog came over from Suburban Scrawl :)
Great picture tour! Always wanted to visit Ptown! It's nice to see a beach (even cold and chilly one) over snow! :)
Fabulous pics of Ptown! I have never been in winter.
I found your blog through Tales of The Toll House Cookie. I love finding other New England blogs! I am now following yours. Hope you can visit mine!
I came across you from Melisa's blog and my husband and I went to Provincetown in July! I have some of the same pictures you took! :)
Hope you don't mind me stopping by!
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