Welcome to another addition of Friday Fragments on a very humid summer day where procrastination is the word of the hour.
*I mentioned yesterday how small our shower was. Without even knowing that I had written a post on showering, K walked by me on her way to the shower and said, "I am going to shave my legs". I said, "Good luck with that". She came back 15 minutes later with her bathing suit on, her razor and shaving cream. "I think I am going to shave outside by the hose. That shower is WAY too small." Oh, yeah, the neighbors are talking now....
*What is the worst appliance not to have working for 3 weeks? I've not had a washing machine for that long before which I thought was bad, but not having refrigeration, takes the cake.
*I am listening to K, B and cousin J play the game Life right now. They have been on a Life marathon for the last 3 days and it is very amusing to listen to them. I love that they can laugh, argue, fix a problem and have fun just playing.
*My nephews now live 1/2 mile away and think my house is the "cool" house. It kind of cracks me up, but they love hanging here at any hour! My food bill might go up just a little...
*I ordered my business cards for Blogher. I am heading to NYC in less than 3 weeks and cannot wait. I am sorry for you who are reading this that cannot or are not going. It is so much more than a blog convention. I am just excited to hang with adult friends for 5 days and experience city life.
*Last night the girls and I went and had dinner with friends who we have only known for 4 years and only see once a year. I so wish they lived down here all the time, because I know that we would be great everyday friends. There were about 40 teens/preteens in the house (OK, there were about a dozen) and 4 of us adults, but we all had a great time! And they threatened to read my blog. Thanks for a great night, Michele, Steve and Kinzer!
*Have a great weekend! Mine consists of my sister's baby shower, a 4 year old birthday party and the American Idol Tour Concert! :)
Sounds like a fun lineup this weekend. Kyle is heading to Milwaukee soon, with a friend who is trying out for IDOL (he is NOT going to Hollywood, but he might make it onto TV.)
Kendall begged us to play Monopoly with her last night. We finally caved but then changed our minds when we realized we'd have to learn how to play (the electronic version). She settled for SORRY, and we had fun (though, as usual, she won.)
No refrigeration? BUMMER!!
Fun times for you this weekend! I hope the humidity goes away a little bit so it's less miserable...
And...American Idol Tour Concert? FUN! Enjoy!
Sounds like a great weekend; I love baby showers and kid parties..my niece just turned 16 and her only excitement over being 16 was to be old enough to try out for Idol..she just might make it to Hollywood!
We had a wonderful time with you and the girls too! We have been home for three hours and the turn around for packing for hockey camp at Penn State has me frazzled... Should I pack a little extra treat in the bag for him to find... Or should I be a better mother... What do you think...
I'm tellin' ya - go for the conditioner dry shave theory. It works!
And no refrigeration? Please tell me you aren't serious. Pleeeease!
Can't wait to see you soon :)
Hi Sue! Finally got to read your blog!! I love it!! And love the pictures.
Your sister(s) are beautiful, too!
We loved visiting with you and the girls on Thursday night ... good food, good wine, good company ... ahhhh!!
Have fun in NYC ... I'm jealous and back at work ..... sigh....
Hi Sue! Finally got to read your blog!! I love it!! And love the pictures.
Your sister(s) are beautiful, too!
We loved visiting with you and the girls on Thursday night ... good food, good wine, good company ... ahhhh!!
Have fun in NYC ... I'm jealous and back at work ..... sigh....
I lived without a stove for, well, awhile. It's amazing how creative you can be. But, no fridge? I'm not sure what I would do.
That cream rinse thing really works. I tried it.
Have a great time at BlogHer and take NYC by storm!
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