Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Match Vs Kindergarten

Dating websites have it all wrong.

Kindergartners might be on to something.

At least 2 Kindergartners had the dating thing down today: the second day of Kindergarten of the school year.

I did not notice any love blooming yesterday. I was purely concentrating on which name belonged to which kid and counting to make sure they were all where they were suppose to be. This morning was a refresher on names because the darn kids wore different outfits to school today.

Because I am a Special Education Assistant, I spend a lot of time in the regular classroom modifying things for my student(s). I do a lot of observing. In music class today, I thought I saw one of the boys lean over and kiss the cheek of the girl sitting next to him. It happened so fast, I second guessed myself and decided that maybe it did not happen.

It was fine for me to be blissfully in denial, until all the kids were sitting on the rug at the end of the day. They were taking turns packing up their backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. When (let's say) Julia left to go pack up her bag, her suitor (we'll call him Conner) was talking to a boy next to him. Conner looked over to where Julia was sitting and said, "Hey where did my girlfriend go?". That's when I knew, I had seen a kiss in music. Now, I specifically watched harder. (Can one watch harder? Perhaps I paid more attention, but basically my eyes were pinned on them.)

She came back from packing up and sat down right next to him. Then she moved a little bit to the side and patted the place beside her for him to move over!! I couldn't believe it: SHE WAS FLIRTING WITH HIM. He did and then the teacher told them to separate. they did, then inched back toward each other. Then they tried to hold hands. Separated again.

It was time to line up, some kids in the bus line, some in the parent pick up line. As fate would have it, Julia was taking the bus and Conner was being picked up. I watched Connor as he lined up behind Julia INSISTING that he was a bus kid today. I had to admire his spunk. He was doing all he could to hang with Julia for as long as he could.

So, there you have it people in the dating world. All it takes is a simple surprise kiss in music class and bells will be ringing all day long.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Summer Homework Blues

Labor Day 20-14,
No need for the sun-screen,
The children are locked in their rooms,
Summer Homework equal their dooms.

I try, I really do
To tell them it's easier to
Complete it in July,
And they ask me "Why" "really, why"?

And in my wise old brain, I think,
Am I crazy? Just have a drink.
Wouldn't it be smart to finish early?
Their gaze it seems so surly.

So, they worked and played,
They partied and sat in the shade.
They went to the beach,
They ignored my speech.

I read one of their books,
It was death, sadness and crooks.
Trying to read another,
I'm trying to help, I am their mother.

No matter, I am no spark notes,
I dream of oceans, sand and floats.
I cannot recite the setting or plot of the book,
Maybe they should actually take a look.

Stupid teachers*, I curse,
Why this summer homework? I converse.
Can't our kids just work and have fun,
This summer homework will never be done!!

They need "summer reads", I declare,
This means light, fun, without a care.
No taking notes, no writing essays,
No reciting poems, no shoebox displays.

Summer AND reading should be fun,
The stress level should be none!
My poor babies, will they ever learn?
For them to love books, I truly yearn.

But once again, the days before school,
Are spent cramming, it seems awfully cruel.
One day they will learn to just get it done,
Then our Labor Day will be nothing but fun.

*Just as a disclaimer, I am a teacher. I LOVE teachers. I just don't like my kids' summer homework....