*Check out my ChocBite review. Coupon for 20% off and a chance to make your own deliciously wonderful chocolate bar.
*The reason for not posting yesterday was a mere 27 mile bike ride with the 5th graders. It's an annual thing for the 5th grade.
B and I practiced the night before by riding a mile.
Um, right, so evidently there is a big difference between a mile and 27 miles.
B and her friend A all smiles before we start. (They actually ended with even bigger smiles!)

This is what greeted us near the end of our trip. Thank Heavens there is an ice cream shop on the bike path!
*I feel I have an American Idol post in my, so right now I am just going to say, "congratulations, Lee"! And I love, love this song that he and Crystal did together. I hope they do more duets!
*Real proud moment for my alma matta (Bates) and the Lewiston police this past week. Seems a bunch of graduating seniors had a party that got out of hand and the police took a little extra anger out on them. I think the police in Lewiston (predominantly blue collar town) see the Bates kids as spoiled, preppy, entitled kids. I agree that there were a few of those types when I went there, but then there were a lot of kids like me that were grateful to be there (and certainly NOT rich).
*OK, I am off to help my parents with a garage sale, have 2 weddings to shoot this weekend and still have an ear infection despite antibiotics. Any ear infection advice out there? It drained a bit and now is all plugged up again.
*Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to thank a service man/woman!