Sunday, April 23, 2017

Whales: Where Art Thou

There are an abundance of right whales off the coast of Cape Cod right now. I heard that of the 500 or so in the world, about 1/2 of them are around Provincetown. For whatever reason, there is more than the usual amounts of krill and other little things that the whales like to eat. Being school vacation week, I had the opportunity to go to Ptown 3 times this week. I had my sister's  huge telephoto lens. I was ready to get the details of the whales as they leapt out of the water. I already saw my whale picture on the cover of National Geographic. I was prepared!

This is what I got:

Now I am sure that will not suffice for the National Geographic cover or really your viewing pleasure. The water was Caribbean blue today, so I took some second place pictures while I was waiting for my whale to surface.

The seagull cooperated.

Herring Cove parking lot is about half the size after the past 2 winters.

Also Herring Cove.

I love taking pics of laundry lines. Why? I do not know, but always have.

 Look at the color of that water! If only it was warmer out....

Anyone want to go on a whale watch with me? I'll bring the camera and the Dramamine.

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