It's not every day you get a package in the mail and when you do, it's usually worthy of a celebration! I always feel like high-fiving, Bob, my post office manager when I get a package. I don't think I could ever work at a post office because I would want the people to open their packages right up so I could see what they got. Hmmm, nosy much?
Anyhoo, I got a package from Melisa the other day. I knew she was sending Flat Sue home, but was not expecting to find Flat Sue in a good sized box. Among some trial sized items, there was a jewelry organizer, a bandanna, a pen, some paper AND
a stuffed uterus.
B was the first one to yank the uterus out of the box (future gynecologist?) because she thought it was a stuffed animal. Haha, the joke was on her. I had heard rumors from Blogher about uterus' being given out so I immediately knew what it was. She dropped it like it was on fire when I told her. I, however, was pretty happy about it. Flat Sue had someone to share the trip home with from Chicago and I, after 7+ years, have a uterus again!
If you want to learn about the company handing out the uterus', please go here.