Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Back in 2009, when B was 10, we made a video explaining erosion. It must have been after some storm or perhaps she was studying it at school.

Wait. You want to see it?

OK, here it is.

The Cape has been hammered by storms this winter, so B, her friend M and I went to check out some big time erosion on Coast Guard Beach in Eastham.

Head the warnings, if you can stop laughing at the picture of the guy falling.
The white in the pictures is snow. The black is not asphalt, I believe it is called silt and is a layer under the regular sand.

If you make this picture bigger, you can see a house in the distance. I am not sure how many more storms until it is teetering on the edge.

Here is some perspective on how large the dunes are now. It almost looked like a bulldozer had come in and scooped the sand away.

Someone has some work to do because all the paths and stairs to the beaches have been washed away. It is sad, but also is a good reminder at how powerful the ocean can be.


Liz@thisfullhouse said...

Amazing! Also, I miss you :(

KathleenKMM said...

Oh my goodness! We go to that beach every summer and it is amazing to see the storm damage. I wonder how Nauset Light Beach looks.

Tami said...

We've been going to the same beach for 20 years. We can see how the erosion has affected the area.