Friday already? No! That means that school vacation week is almost over and I am not ready for that. I am sure the girls would second (and third) that, too.
*I am not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions because they never seem to last beyond the 3rd week of January. I can handle goals though, so my goal for the new year is to get "it" together and concentrate on my blog and the blogs around me more. Now I just have to figure out what "it" is and how exactly to get "it" together....
*We recently went and checked out the Boston Aquarium and Quincy Market (aka Fanueil Hall). It was a very fun day doing something completely different. However, we were all a little disappointed in the Aquarium. It should have cost about $24 a person, but we used the passes from our library so it only cost $8 a person. Thank goodness, because we would have been really disappointed to spend so much money otherwise!
*I call my girls "bunnies" (don't let that get out, OK?) and for Christmas they got me the cutest necklace with a Mom bunny and 2 baby bunnies from Red Envelope. Check it out here. I love that catalog!
*Speaking of catalogs, because I have moved a few times in the past year, my catalogs have not caught up with me. HOWEVER, my email inbox has been inundated with "catalogs" for the past month. I will admit it.... I had over 700 unopened emails sitting in my box this morning! I erased about 250 so far... I think I can, I think I can.... It would be nice to start the new year with nothing in my inbox.....
*My friend (and boss), Lisa Genova, has her second book release on January 4th! It is called Left Neglected and will be the feature book at all Borders Bookstores in January!!! Her first book was Still Alice. Both are amazing!!!!
*If you are in Chatham at 3 today, you can come see the Lightfoots perform their jump rope skills as part of the First Night celebrations at the Community Center!