For those of you that don't know me, I am new to blogging (Jan 08). I am absolutely loving it! I love writing about my day or something that made me think during the day or something that my kids did during the day. Really anything I find amusing, I will write about it. Of course, this has my friends on their best behavior lest they get written up in my blog for the world to see. My daughter K is 10 and my daughter B is 9. They are best friends with completely different personalities! My DH is a commercial fisherman and we live on Cape Cod, MA.(I put the state in just for you manic) I volunteer at the schools, at church, am a photographer, was a teacher, and I love living on the Cape. I never get tired of looking at the ocean and beaches. OK, so it would be nicer to walk out on them from my front door, but that is a pipe dream for another time. No matter where you live on Cape Cod, you are not far from the water.
I have a strong addiction to M&Ms. Until they make a rehab place for that, I guess I will have to suffer (HAHA). I think it is a genetic trait that has been carried through on my mom's side of the family. I am truly blessed that my sister and her husband, my mom and dad, my in-laws and DH's brother, his wife and their 3 boys live in the same town as us. Someday I will succeed in getting my brother to live down here, too. Maybe a summer house, Tom?
As for pets, I am very allergic to all things furry, so we have a labradoodle named Gretel and fish. (I know, ironic, a fisherman having fish for decoration not for dinner.....) Of course, we also have 7 horses, a goat and 4 bunnies. No, I can't go to the barn too often. I need a weeks worth of allergy medicine for an hour visit.
I love people visiting my little world and comments make me giddy. Enjoy the week of partying and come again!
LOVE the shows and the Ball! I'm so there with you :) Welcome to the party!
Nice party, turn the music up! Its loud over at my blog! Come on by, in or out of costume at my blog party! Grab some food, have a drink, read, and enjoy!
Love your blog!
This is the 1st disco ball I've seen at any of these parties. You know how to do a party, girl! Welcome to the party! What a great opportunity to make some new bloggy friends!
Peek in on us at GraceFULL days~ we love new faces & comments. Bloggy thanks in advance for voting for my GraceFULL moment at Vicks Caring Tributes: http://videos.vickscaringtributes.com/videos/index.html
Grace to you~
Love the shoes they are great, happy partying
Hi Sue - I'm sort of new to blogging too, since Oct. I am enjoying your blog and would be happy if you took a look at mine. www.mvobsession.wordpress.com I've been obsessed with the Vineyard since I first visited there at age two.
Happy to party with ya!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the shoes!!!
Those platform shoes ROCK!
I'm inviting you to party with me!
Win some chocolate from my-sister-in-law and I...we blog about CHOCOLATE...me from Australia...and her from Michigan. Here's the link: http://thechocolistas.blogspot.com/2008/03/ultimate-blog-party-2008.html
What am I doing in Australia? I married an Aussie...and moved to Brisbane, leaving my family and friends and all the right-side-of-the-road drivers in America.
Win a handmade pocket place mat from my blog Comfort Joy Designs. Here's the link:
Want to know more about life in Australia? Visit my A Cup of Joy site where I keep up with my family and friends in America. Here's the link:
Happy Partying!
OMG! You have 7 posts (okay 8 counting mine) today! I am hugely impressed. You are one busy person and now you have a bazillion blogs to visit.
And don't tell me those are your shoes!
And... you know at the side of my blog where it says "places I love to visit' or whatever I put there? Well you have been on there since THE VERY FIRST DAY you first visited! Yup. No kidding. 'Cause I gotta go visit my friends.
*blows hugs and kisses here*
And... just curious about this. Who looks after your furry friends - if you're alergic and all? Someone's has to do all the cleaning and feeding, and I'm thinking that it's not going to be you - a... a... a... chooo. :)
Those shoes are not joking around!
Hey there! Thanks for popping in on my party and your sweet words! I love me some m&m's too - have you tried them frozen? Oh that's the best. I like my chocolate cold.
We celebrated my grandparents' 50th wedding annv up in Cape Cod. I was about 12... but I remember loving it and I will definitely venture up there again one day with the hubby!
Killer platforms, btw.
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