"Back to life, back to reality..." Little 80's music to start your day. Back from our 3 day road trip where reality is smacking me in the face. Instead of that, let's pick up where we left off at my brother's house for a sleep over.....

We played Scrabble till the wee hours of the night! Tommy has a very cool bachelor pad. OK, his girlfriend has added a few touches, too. Her step dad had some cool horns in his basement that T thought would add testosterone, I mean, that special decorative touch to his house. I let the girls hang on them after he left for work....

Then it was off to Boston to see the High School Musical ice show. (A+ if you get a chance to see it!) We actually found my friend, Court, and her 2 kids without too much trouble. I also saw the sister of one of my good friends from HS. She picked me right out of the crowd. It's funny how you can still look the same but different after 20+ years. She looked the same, but more grown up standing there with her kids. It's funny how you picture someone as the same age as when you last saw them. I often wonder how anyone from HS days recognizes me through all my wrinkles. Anyhoo, after buying 3 popcorns, nachos, 2 pretzels, 2 sodas and 2 waters we were set to find our seats. The show was great and I sang along to every song.

Now you know what the inside of TD Banknorth Garden looks like from section 22. It was a great show, then we drove an hour south and met up at Target where my dad dropped off my mom to us. I love Target and am almost happy that it is 50 minutes from my house, so I am not there every day. I am sure my husband is leading the surge to keep Target off of Cape Cod. Anyway, we got to our hotel where we got adjoining rooms and immediately ordered pizza and went for a swim. They had a great school vacation deal where you got popcorn and a movie included in your room special. The girls all watched Enchanted, while my mom watched the debates and I pretended to while laying in a comfy queen size bed BY MYSELF and read People magazine. Ahhh, simple pleasures.
The next morning, I heard B get up and go into the bathroom. She was singing to herself (she wakes up singing), I walked in and found this....

She had made herself a feast on the bathroom floor while waiting for everyone to wake up. Funny, funny girl.
We hit the pool and K gave them a water aerobics lesson...

Then B and her bff A, (matching suits from Target) decided to jump like bunnies for K's amusement

We checked out and went to Justice (for girls) a subsidiary of Limited Too. Those spring colors look a lot more fun than the winter garb we have been wearing since November. Treated the girls to a few spring things as the snow was falling like crazy. Probably should have bought them each a size up since they will probably grow by the time they get to wear them! We then spent an hour in Super Walmart. Wound up buying necessities mostly, but girls had fun in the shoe dept.

Where else can you get cheetah-licious shoes for $8? We drove home in the snow, sleet and rain, got stuck going up our driveway (steep hill), had to shovel and sand the driveway to actually get up it. (Of course DH was fishing). Do you see how reality can hit you in the face after a nice few days away?
1 comment:
LOVE the cheetah-licious shoes!!!
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